What is TendoStash by Tonik?
TendoStash is a savings feature powered by Tonik Digital Bank for Tendo users. Tendo users will need to create a Tonik account where they will be...
What are the benefits of TendoStash?
Grow Your Money - Earn up to 4.75% interest on your savings with TendoStash vs a regular Stash that has 4% interest. Safe & Secure - Tonik deposits ...
How to get TendoStash?
It’s super easy! Open a Tonik account, if you don’t have one. On the Tendo app, enter your Tonik-registered mobile number. Once you’ve provided that, ...
How to use TendoStash?
After your TendoStash has been activated, you will receive a notification from Tonik that it has been activated. On the Tonik app, you will need to fo...
How long before my TendoStash gets approved?
It takes about 7 business days for your TendoStash to be activated, however, there can be cases where it will be activated earlier. You will receive...